Mundie Moms

Monday, March 14, 2011

Wither Book Trailer

I can not wait to read this book! I've got my copy pre-ordered and I'm pretty sure I'll spend the day reading it when it arrives. Today Vania & Simon and Schuster have revealed the trailer....

This makes me even more excited to read it! You can see the trailer on Simon and Schuster CA's site here. What do you guys think?

If you're a MM who lives in Canada, be sure to visit Simon and Schuster (Canada)'s site here to get the latest info on Cassie & Holly's singing in Vancouver!


  1. I'm excited about this book too! I just won an ARC copy and I can't wait to get it =) Thanks for posting the trailer

  2. I can't wait for this book. Counting down the days!

  3. It's Wither... not Whither... xD

  4. LOL thank you Coma for catching my embarrassing error.

    Mishel- YAY! Congratulations!!

  5. The book is awesome! Although I'm not sure the trailer does it justice. It's pretty good, though.
    Happy reading!

  6. The trailer is perfect! I love the way it compliments the book so well.

  7. I love Vania's work.

    You haven't read it yet?! I thought you'd have gotten your hands on it!
    It's very, very good.

  8. Ella- I love it when it trailers match the books. That's good to know.

    lulilut- That makes me even more excited about reading it.

    readingriot- we where suppose to get it, but I'm guessing a mail troll is enjoying it for us. lol

