Mundie Moms

Monday, August 1, 2011

Book Review: Circle of Fire

Published by: Little Brown Books
To Be Released on: August 3rd, 2011
Source: from the publisher to review & bought
5 stars- A Perfect Conclusion To A Great Series

With time dwindling but her will to end the Prophecy stronger than ever, Lia sets out on a journey to find the remaining keys, locate the missing pages of the Prophecy, and convince her sister Alice to help--or risk her life trying. Lia has her beloved Dimitri by her side, but Alice has James, the man who once loved her sister--and maybe still does. James doesn't know the truth about either sister, or the prophecy that divides them. And Alice intends to keep it that way.

There are some secrets sisters aren't meant to share. Because when they do, it destroys them. This stunning conclusion to Michelle Zink's Prophecy of the Sisters trilogy will make saying good-bye bittersweet for readers.

I have completely fallen in love with this series and Michelle Zink's writing. There's such a great cast of characters, an addicting romance, a well written lore and not to mention a setting I love in this series. I get so caught up with the storyline and it's lawless plot, that before I know it I've sat and read the whole book, which is what happened with Circle of Fire.

With the conclusion of the series, Circle of Fire wraps things up nicely and also takes things up a notch, i.e. fabulous chemistry that continues to heat up between Dimitri and Lia. I liked the twists that Michelle threw into the story with one of the sisters, and how she tied up a few things from earlier on in the series. There's some fabulous sites via the journey Lia and Dimitri take from England to Ireland and back to Lia's home in search of answers. Speaking of the time period, I loved the Masquerade that takes place at the beginning of the book.

I really adored Lia in Guardian of the Gate, but the character who really stole the show for me in Circle of Fire is Dimitri. If I listed all the things I loved about him and the lines he says, this review would be extremely long. I don't think I could love Dimitri more than I already did, but Michelle proved me wrong yet again. I adore some his unconcern for the lesser cares of society during this time period (which has to do with some of the more comical lines he says to Lia) and I absolutely adore the way he treats Lia. Let me give you a teaser,

Dimitri, his voice a murmur in my ear, speaks to my hesitation. "I love you, Lia. We don't speak of it often, but know it now. Know it, and tell me your fears so that I can rid you of them."

I'm not one who sighs often when I read, but I sighed out loud as I read that. Talk about a Knight in shining armor. The chemistry and connection that Lia and Dimitri have is so beautiful. The love they have for each other, the respect, admiration, and trust is so well developed. I also enjoyed settle sense of humor they have with each other during their private conversations. Gareth is another character I have come to really like in this series. His fierce devotion to both Lia and Gareth is more than commendable.

I enjoyed being whisked away with this story, and I highly recommend picking up this series if you haven't already. Circle of Fire is the perfect conclusion to a great series. If you've already read Prophecy of the Sisters & Guardian of the Gate, than I definitely recommend picking up Circle of Fire when it's out on Wednesday.


  1. Anxious to read the conclusion and I have my copy sitting and waiting for some quiet time this evening. Wonderful review, MMs. Here's to being whisked away....

  2. Great Review..
    I love this book..

  3. Sophie- Thank you. I hope you enjoy it.

    Gina- Thank you! It's such a great book and series. I'm glad you loved it as well.

