Mundie Moms

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

City of Fallen Angels Read A Long Day 14: What Dreams May Come

Welcome to Day 14 of the City of Fallen Angels Read-A-Long. You can follow the entire read-a-long and find each of the day's posts here. Remember there's no right or wrong way to participate. Your comments can be as long or a short as you'd like them to be. You can answer one or each of the questions asked, it's totally up to you, BUT, in order to be entered into the COLS giveaway (which you also had to sign up to win), you do need to be actively participating in the read-a-long. 

Today's discussion is about: Chapter 14: What Dreams May Come
  • Jace's dream of Max starts out a little heart breaking knowing how much his death still bothers Jace. I can't believe someone used Max to get to Jace. I don't know why, but I should have caught on the first time I read this who would be so cruel/evil to do that. Did you pick up on who bonded themselves to Jace when you first read COFA?
  • I feel so bad for Simon over finding out about Maureen's death. Do you think she's really dead and who do you think would want Maureen? Do you think that someone besides Jordan saw Simon bite her? 
  • With this read through I picked up on what Kaelie had pointed out about the Herondale and the Morgenstern rings, when she asked Clary why she wore the Morgenstern ring. It's interesting that she pointed out that the Herondale ring better suits Jace as it has patterns of herons on it vs the morning stars. That the Herondale ring suits him better, as he has a soul like a bird in flight vs a falling one like Lucifer (pg. 286). Given all that's happened so far with Jace, why do you think this was an important scene to include in COFA? Why would Kaelie tell that to Clary? 

    Please DO NOT POST SPOILERS. There's some fans who are joining the read-a-long who are reading COFA for the first time. 


    1. When Max was in Jace's dream, I knew that it was someone who was very cruel. To go into his deepest thoughts and putt out something so painful for him...that's evil.

      I had a feeling we would see her again since Jordan was sure that she wasn't dead when they left her.

      That's interesting. Well, maybe it served to remind Clary that there is still hope. The image of a bird in flight is a very hopeful one, and perhaps Jace's soul is free now that he knows he is not Valentine's son. It also seems eerie because it's as if she's reminding Clary that SHE is the Morgenstern, not Jace, and that Valentine's blood runs through her veins.

    2. *I think the second time around since I knew what was happening in the dream I picked up on it more. The first time I knew it had to be either a greater demon or warlock to be able to use such dark magic, I just didn't really think of who. This time around it was a bit more obvious who it could have been. There was no initial shock to the dream this time to cloud my sleuthing mind.

      *I thought we would get more of Maureen. I mean Cassie wouldn't have made the whole situation happen if Maureen wasn't going to be a bigger part of the story. Nothing is in her books for no reason.

      *I love how the faeries are so cryptic. The riddles and things they say always have greater meaning to them. I don't really know how to answer this question except that I do believe it's important. Besides the bell, Kaelie's words mean a lot too.

    3. That dream sequence was so sad! The first time I read through, I had no idea that someone was trying to bond themselves to Jace. I just thought it was another scary, weird dream of his.

      I think the first time I read through, I felt pretty sure that Maureen was dead.

      Oh, this is an interesting question, about the rings. I'm not sure. It seems like a nice thing to say, that Jace is a soaring bird, but from what I've seen, faeries are never nice. Or, rather, they always have ulterior motives. But maybe that's just the Seelie Queen. Also, I agree with what Kate said, that maybe Kaelie is trying to remind Clary that she's Valentine's daughter.

    4. I did not pick up on it the first time around, no.....I was so shocked at the cruelty of using Max to manipulate horrible.

      My initial thought: who wants Simon at the Church of the Talto? Obviously they do not know him well if they thought Maureen was his girlfriend. And then my next thought was how Clary at the church where someone was holding Maureen hostage. Wasn't this at about the same time? Was Clary meant to be there, or was it a coincidence? Maureen is dead.

      I think that Kaelie would tell that to Clary because she is a mean girl, and she is trying to make Clary feel insecure in her relationship with Jace. ;P

    5. Oh, the dream Jace had about Max was so sad! I remember how sad I was when he had been killed in CoG ( speaking of this I've seen a wonderful short video about him on Youtube that was so heartbreaking!!) When I've first read CoFA I didn't realise the very identity of who was using Max in this horrible way but, what I knew for sure is that he/she was an horrible person!!
      When I've read about Maureen's death I was so shocked! I would have never thought of her when Simon received that message! I have immediately thought to that woman who had seen Simon after he drunk blood, but I can't connect exactly why should be her.
      I love faeries! They are so irresistible and intriguing! I've never thought precisely about what Kaelie said about the rings and I can't explain what she wanted to say to Clary. I have an idea but it would probably spoiler something so, at the end of the read-a-thon maybe. :)

    6. Yes, I realized who it was even though I didn't understand how it was possible. I think that Maureen might be something more than dead. I mean, what's the point in simply killing her. Why not use her for some purpose so as to get back at Simon? I think it's not a comment about Jace so much as about Clary and how she will fall. It could be foreshadoowing.

    7. How cruel to use Jaces memories of Max to trick/trap him...1st time through didn't have a clue as to the evil behind it

      Again poor Simon he felt so bad at biting her and then to find out she is dead...someone besides Kyle must have seen him bite her...or know about her crush on him

      Faries are beautiful and cruel...while they cannot tell a lie they excel at wordplay...I know Kaelies speech means something...not sure of what but it will be relevent eventually...


    8. Awwww! The Max dream makes me so sad every time I read it! I hate how the villain uses his little brother to get to Jace. When Max says the angels sent him, you can't help but trust him. How was Jace supposed to know?
      As for Kaelie, I have never liked her. The all blue eyes sound really creepy. I'd imagine she, like the Seelie Queen, tells Clary these things to confuse her and make her second guess all of her decisions, even seemingly insignificant ones like choosing to wear the Morgenstern ring. The more unsure Clary is of herself, the easier it will be for the Seelie Queen to manipulate her to get whatever it is that she wants.

    9. couldn't believe that someone was using Max to manipulate Jace through his dreams. Hello EVIL! And to have him cut himself in the dream and then input a rune on his chest, that is causing him pain. Where are the silent brothers, why didn't they catch this before it happens. Now I'm hanging on relentlessly for the next chapter.

      Geez before it's over Simon is going to feel like he's a murdering psychopath. I do believe that Maureen is dead, but like Simon and Jordan have no clue who did it and why. I don't really think anybody but Jordan saw Simon bite her, but I do feel like that someone was in the club and saw Maureen's infatuation with Simon.

      Fairies are conniving, evil beings of trickery. I'm not really sure where Kaelie was going with bit of information but fairies like to give answers in riddles to make you think and ponder.

    10. The dream have has of max wad really sad. And I can't believe someone would use him like that. Poor Simon having to give into his true nature. I don't think mo is dead I have no idea who could want her. Maybe someone else saw what Simon did to her. And the sterile queen is very tricky I really don't trust her one bit.

    11. As I was reading Jace's dream scene I was like Oh Max is helping out Jace but it seemed to me a bit strange for Max to be there, I wouldn't know who it is that's doing this to Jace but obviously contains an immense power.
      Having her throat open like that Maureen is probably dead, who would want her I really don't have somebody in mind. Yeah I don't think Jordan was the only one to see Simon biting Maureen maybe a couple people, Sebastian is the only person I can think of right now, Camille is held back by Nephilims, Raphael hasn't been around, so its gotta be Sebastian.
      I really do not know what answer for that question, I mean Clary is not supposed to wear something that doesn't carry her name?__?

      Good Night everyone=)

    12. When Max" came to Jace in his dream I had the feeling it really wasn't him and I wanted to yell out "don't do it" I just don't understand why the silent brothers didn't protect Jace. I had a feeling it was Maureen because she kept telling people she was Simon's girlfriend, I just wish Simon would have thought of it sooner to save her.

    13. Jace's dream of Max is so awful, the saddest part for me is that Jace still thinks its Max when he feels the pain from the rune burn his chest. I think that what ever is doing this is a women because Jace says the voice is high and husky.
      Fairies are cruel and the seelie queen seems to love to torture Clary, but she seems to Find Jace charming. I think that the sealie queen knows more then she is willing to say. She knew about Valentines experiments and Jace and Clary's feelings for each other, I think this is a warning for Clary about Jace and since she is a fairy she has to do it in a way that makes Clary unsure about what it may mean.

    14. A couple people said the same thing above but the dream with Max just screamed DON'T DO IT! But he did anyway. Dummy.

      The thing with Kaelie, I kind of like what Clary said. It's for Jace. It is Jace. He had the ring forever and it makes me think of the end of CoG and what the letter said about how he couldn't let it be lost like he couldn't lose her. Its one of the first few things we actually see Jace give Clary. It has sentimental value to both of them.

    15. I didn't catch who was using Max to get to Jace. I was horrified that they would do it though. Poor Jace didn't have a chance there. His love for Clary and his trust in Max would only result in one thing.


    16. I couldn't believe that someone was using Max to get to Jace, and that right away told me that it had to be a pretty bad demon of some kind. I didn't catch who it was the first time, though.

      Poor Simon just didn't have anything easy this time around and I really did feel bad for him. I figured that another vampire might have seen him and wanted to get to Maureen before anything could happen *shrugs*

      Well, Cassie has a made a point of discussing all of the names that Jace and Clary have, so I think that has some importance. But also, Jace still worries that he'll end up being like Valentine. He doesn't see himself clearly, so when Kaelie said what she did, I think it was to show how others view Jace and what kind of person he is.

    17. * It was so sad!! that's so evil ><"

      *I have a feeling she will come back...

      *I think Kaelies speech means something...not sure what.

    18. I think Mo is not dead. I think she might be a vampire, and maybe she is going to became more obsess with Simon.

    19. That was very cruel to use Max to get to Jace and my heart and I hated that he was hurtibg so much. This was another major shock I didn't see coming and I love Cassie Clare for that.
      I think that someone else did see Simon bite Mo and I don't think she is dead. I can see Raphael taking her because he loves having others to boss around. I could also see him using Mo to get to Simon. He loves power too much and Simon has that and i don't see Raphael backing down from getting Simon.
      I think that scene is very important. Jace is dealing with/going through so much but no matter what he is still the same Jace that everyone loves. This scene shows that no one should give up on him because of Jace does have a soul and that should never get lost on anyone.

