Mundie Moms

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

TMI Movie News: Casting Update

Today it was announced that Elyas M'Barek was cast as Vampire Lieutenant. Nope you're not going crazy, there is not a character in the TMI series named that, but as movie filming goes, sometimes characters are combined which seems to be the case here. Read Cassie's response to find out who VL is a combination of. 

Questions about the new casting up on the website today…

Well, this is different casting — the previous casting was done by Stephanie Corsalini, but this casting was done in Canada. I don’t know these guys’ work and I haven’t seen auditions or anything like that (which is normal for casting — especially for smaller parts like these! It doesn’t mean anything bad). I had dinner with the guy playing Alaric, Harry van Gorkum, while I was in Toronto. He was very nice.

As for Raphael/The Vampire Lieutenant/Elyas m’Barek, what I’ve been told is that there wasn’t space enough to properly introduce Raphael. Raphael, after all, is not the vampire who actually captures Simon from Magnus’ party. They’re different guys and it was felt there was not room for both. (This isn’t a decision I made or have any control over — when you give over your movie rights you have to accept that decisions about how to adapt your books will be made without you. Scripts are also rewritten up until shooting, and even rewritten on set. They are never final until the film is done shooting.) So Elyas will play TVL, who is a composite of the vampires in the NYC vampire clan. 

Raphael won’t be in this movie but they hope to introduce him in City of Ashes, as he does play a bigger and bigger part in each book. I’m sad not to see Raphael sooner, as I know you all are, but I hope when the time comes he will be introduced in a way that does him justice. There are a lot of talented Latino actors out there who would be great for the part.

Meanwhile, I’m glad to see my German/Austrian fans responding well to the casting of the lieutenant of our absent vampire leader, and very glad that the actor cast was one of color since the NYC vampire clan is a diverse group.

What do you guys think of the latest casting choice and the reasoning behind not having Raphael in the COB movie? As always, you can find ALL the latest MOVIE NEWS via the OFFICIAL TMI MOVIE site


  1. I's awful! I don't know how that little yet very important event involving Simon is going to play out in the movie and set him up for the events of City of Ashes now! .. -_-
    I don't know how Hotel Dumort works without multiple vampires around, and I don't know how the vampires at Magnus' party work without Hotel Dumort. I am so worried now that this will be like the werecat getting left out of the Eragon movie!!!(the future of the plot kind of -depends- on it[!].) ...

    It is so, *so* important that all the characters be utilized, and not just the leads. And that [fact that even nobody-EXTRAS can be incredibly relevant to the feel of a movie really fleshing out and really coming-to-life in the end ]is something too many things treat as if does not matter at all. .. -_-

    1. I agree and I totally understand your concerns. I'm a bit shocked that they took Raphael's character out of the movie as well. It will be interesting to see what they do with Simon's being turned into a rat and hotel Dumort

