Mundie Moms

Saturday, September 1, 2012

TMI Movie News: Filming Re-Cap Day #9

Friday was the 10th day for filming, which also wrapped up the second week of filming with scenes being a shot a the Hotel Dumort, or as the mudane know it as, the Royal Connaught Hotel. The focus of filming this week was both the club scene and the hotel. I can't wait to see these scenes on the big screen (less than a year from now). With being a holiday weekend the cast will enjoy three day off and report back to the set on Tuesday. Next week's filming will be taking place in downtown Toronto.

Martin, the executive producer for the TMI Movie has confirmed the Aidan Turner aka LUKE is scheduled to be on set next week!

Here's a few pictures from the set via TMI Source- These were taken from the Hotel Dumort.

Keven Durand aka one of Valentine's henchmen was spotted on set! I can't wait to see what he looks like with all this make up on.

The photos featured in this post are ones I found via TMI Source. Each photo has a watermark on it credited the correct source of who took the photo. You can can also read a recap from day 10's on set experience via TMI Source here.


  1. Replies
    1. Yes a while back- He's my favorite casting choice

