Mundie Moms

Sunday, February 17, 2013

City of Heavenly Fire Snippet

Good Sunday Morning! Cassie shared a teaser with fans yesterday from City of Heavenly Fire!

“Simon,” said a voice at his shoulder, and he turned to see Izzy, her face a pale smudge between dark hair and dark cloak, looking at him, her expression half-angry, half-sad. “I guess this is the part where we say goodbye?”

Between all the #ShareMortalLove pictures and this teaser, I don't know how much more my heart can take. *sigh* I can't wait to jump back into the TMI world with this book.

1 comment:

  1. I have been dying for this book.I think it is pure torture to make us wait another.However,my anticipation was squashed the other night when a facebook friend said one young shadowhunter won't make it through the book.What are suppose to do with that info.? I'm heartbroken even before the book comes out.I love all my shadowhunters,can't we just have a happy ending?

