Mundie Moms

Friday, April 4, 2014

Cassandra Clare's Book Schedule

Shadowhunters, check out Cassandra Clare's book release schedule. She posted it earlier today here

Schedule of books
Hey cass! First of all, i love your books and i can’t wait for city of heavenly fire to come out! My question is: what is the exact scheme of all your books and when are they coming out (if they are not yet) Ily ♥ — ipeedsohardihadtolaugh
Hey! A lot of my books are not scheduled yet as I’m still outlining them and determining when they will be done/how long they’ll take. But I can give you the order, if not the dates.
City of Heavenly Fire
Magisterium 2
The Dark Artifices 2/The Last Hours 1 (quite close together)
Magisterium 3
The Last Hours 2
Magisterium 4
The Dark Artifices 3
Magisterium 5
The Last Hours 3
THE FUTURE YAWNS BEFORE US. Wicked Powers, perhaps?

Shortly after posting this schedule of books, Cassie shared this:

"Hi Cassandra! I’m one of your italian fans and I really ship Clace…but…should I be worried about what will happen to them in CoHF? — thunderiswishperinginmyear "
"Hey Cassie! I am a heavy sizzy and malec shipper. Im just wondering if I should be preparing my heart for some serious shredding? x — burning silver"

OH DEAR GOD CASSIE, PLEASE DON’T KILL OFF JACE OR CLARY IN COHF! clace is my OTP and i think my heart will break into a million pieces if they aren’t together in the end. i honestly LOVE your work and i think you’re a genius but come on, don’t be cruel. love ya x — dramixne

Oh my shadowhunter goodness. Cassie is going to kill us!

1 comment:

  1. I'm already dying here with the anticipation but I'm so scared to read CoHF. I will be utterly destroyed in Clary or Jace die...not too happy if Simon or Izzy die either.The teaser from April Fool's almost gave me heart attack!

